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“America’s Best Idea” (Wallace Stegner)
Have you ever considered visiting the 63 United States National Parks? National Parks are unique places to visit in our county with unique geological features, diverse ecosystems and amazing recreational opportunities. Whether it’s Acadia National Park in Maine or the Redwood Forest in California, you will walk away from this class inspired to plan your next trip. Participants will all receive a map of the United States with locations of all 63 National Parks.
Colleen Rossi is a 4th grade teacher and technology specialist with a wide range of interests. In addition to education, she is certified in yoga, theology and ministry, and counseling. She is a Philadelphia Half-Marathon finisher, has visited over 35 national parks in the U.S., is an avid hiker, and has years of experience as an ambassador for an elephant sanctuary!
Please review our Adult Events Attendance Policy.
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AGE GROUP: | 18 or older |
EVENT TYPE: | Natural History | Education |
TAGS: | nature | environment | american history |